How to Create Great LinkedIn Posts in 2024

All LinkedIn posts are not created equal

Check out our tips for creating more and better LinkedIn posts.

Understand your Audience

Having a true understanding of what your audience loves to consume will 10x everything you do on LinkedIn.

Tip number 1

Create more and better posts with the right tools

Tip number 2

Tool number 1

Create awesome LinkedIn Captions with the help of AI and never run out of new ideas Get your free runs below.


Tool number 2

Create beautiful content without the need of waiting for designers. With Canva's templates, everyone can create beautiful LinkedIn content. Pro tip. Make good use of their LinkedIn Templates.

Tell Stories

Tip number 3

Don't post about what comes to mind. Tell short stories withing your post AND link multiple posts together to tell a larger story.

Will the post stop people from scrolling?

Tip number 4

Think about why people would pay attention to your post.

DIs it clear what you would like people to do? Comment, share, check out the link, etc.

Tip number 4

Is there a clear CTA?

Back to the drawing board if the answer is no.

Tip number 5

Would you interact with the post?

Set up LinkedIn Marketing Strategy

The best posts sprout out of a great strategy. Check out the step-by-step guide below to get started.

Tip number 6