How can you make sure that you as a brand, as a team, or as a marketer or content creator stay relevant in the future of marketing? Future-proofing your marketing knowledge and skills is a continuous process, that works better, together. Introducing the StoryLab.ai Community, with access to unlimited learning + unlimited AI Content.
TL;DR: What is it, what’s in it?
- Unlimited Learning PLUS Unlimited AI Content for $19 a month.
- Future-proof your Brand, Demand Gen, Content Strategies & Tactics.
- Continuous social learning for you and your Team.
- Unlimited access to the entire Unlimited StoryLab.ai Toolkit.
- Ask the moderators (40+ years of experience) and other community members anything related to marketing and growth.
- Free Step-by-Step courses like Storytelling Basics or AI Content Marketing Basics.
- And more (read below, or):

First off, who is the StoryLab.ai Community for, and why do we need it?
You might be a Brand Manager or CMO, Head of Growth, Head of Demand Gen, or Head of Content Marketing. You could be a business owner or solopreneur, looking for ways to improve your marketing and growth. Or, you could be a junior marketer or content creator who’s getting there.
Regardless, you’re looking at a major shift in the landscape of digital marketing. And you’re looking for ways to go above and beyond tinkering. Let alone to go above and beyond drowning in a sea of AI-generated content, with little to nothing to show for your efforts.
You want to future-proof yourself, your business, your brand, and/or your team. And you realize that’s not a one-off thing, but a continuous process that works better, together.
That’s where the StoryLab.ai community comes in.
Building Better Marketing with the StoryLab.ai Community: Access to Unlimited Learning + Unlimited AI Content
At StoryLab.ai, we’ve been steadily building the Future-proof AI Content Marketing Toolkit that allows you to Grow your Brand, Demand, Reach, and Engagement to drive Conversation and Revenue. Trusted by 100,000+ marketers and content creators just like you — and growing.
But from the get-go, we’ve been very clear on our mission and vision:
To really help marketers and content creators to become better and get better results — it’s not the tools that we give them, but the strategic, tactical, and operational knowledge we can share with them that will make the difference.
That’s why we’ve focused from the start on building a huge library of free educational marketing resources, which you can access through our Academy, our Blog, and other places.
That’s why we create video content and how-to pop-ups, screens, and video walkthroughs and share them with our app users in their home screen, throughout the app experience and in other places — to help you as a marketer or content creator get more out of yourself, your stories, and our tools.
And it’s why we’re making the shift now, from app-first to community-first.
Because why learn from just our insights, when you can learn with and from fellow marketers and content creators just like you — and get access to all of our best resources plus unlimited access to all of our AI Content Generators, all in one bundle?

StoryLab.ai Community: Access to Unlimited Learning + Unlimited AI Content
From now on, when you join the StoryLab.ai community, you get access to all of the resources like videos and courses, direct conversations with the StoryLab.ai team and other highly experienced co-moderators and community members — and you will get unlimited access to all of StoryLab.ai’s AI Marketing Content Generators as a free bonus.
Read on to find out what that means.
Learning Community first, Unlimited AI Marketing Content second
Simply checking off a box, saying “we use XYZ for AI content creation”, is not what’s going to make the difference for you as a marketer, entrepreneur, or content creator — nor for the future growth and success of your brand or demand generation.
Funny to hear, maybe, from the mouth of the founders of an AI Marketing Platform — but if you’ve been following us for a little while longer, you’re probably not surprised. It’s what we’ve been saying from the get-go.
Continuously up-level and future-proof your Marketing
To truly future-proof yourself, your brand, your marketing strategies & operations, and your team, is not a one-off thing; reading one resource, checking one video masterclass, or taking one course. It means to continuously keep learning, by doing, studying, and by sharing knowledge with and asking questions to people in the same space as you.
That’s why we’re setting up this community for you.
At 19 dollars/month [cancel at anytime], you will be able to continuously learn with and from fellow marketers and content creators just like you — and get access to all of our best resources plus unlimited access to all of our AI Content Generators, all in one bundle.
At 19 Dollars a month, StoryLab.ai community membership gives you:
- Access to valuable Marketing resources and updates When you join the StoryLab.ai community, you’ll get access to a feed of highly valuable, strategic, tactical, and operational insights, news, discussions, and videos — all centered on marketing, storytelling, brand, demand, and growth. And all with room for questions and discussions, to really learn in-depth.
- Access to prime educational marketing resources You’ll also get prime access to our best educational resources, including but not limited to video shorts, video masterclasses, and courses which you’ll find nowhere else at the same price points. We’ll make sure that the selection is always tailored to what’s happening in the market, and that resources are continuously improved and updated.
- Direct access to the StoryLab.ai team You get access to us, Raul Tiru, Brian Cohen, and Erwin Lima — the founders of StoryLab.ai — with all of our knowledge and experience directly available to you, not limited to the two years of building one of the best AI Marketing Platforms out there but spanning over 10 years of experience in Growth Marketing, Demand Generation, and Brand & Content.
- Access to other experienced Marketing, Storytelling, AI & Content Experts You get access to our co-moderators, hand-selected by us as a factor of their expertise and outstanding track record in areas such as B2B marketing, content marketing, growth, AI marketing, and storytelling. You’ll of course also get access to other marketers, entrepreneurs, and content creators like you, to share knowledge, inspiration, tips & tricks with, and ask questions to.
- Ability to create your own space for co-creation and collaboration You will be able to create your own space and invite your team or your tribe of collaborating content creators, to share knowledge, get tips, tricks, and feedback or collaborate on stories, ask questions or — really do whatever you want — to truly get into the motion of Employee Advocacy or Shared Social Storytelling.
- Free Access to StoryLab.ai Unlimited (current pricing 19 Dollars/month) Finally, you get access to StoryLab.ai unlimited, with — as the name suggests — unlimited runs for all of our content generators, including but not limited to our social caption generator, video title generator, visual art generator, campaign builder, tone changer, and many, many more. You get this as a bonus, as the current pricing for StoryLab.ai unlimited is already 19 Dollars per month (!)
Already a StoryLab.ai unlimited user?
Hey wait, I’m already a StoryLab.ai unlimited user, what does all of this mean for me?
No worries, just send an email to team@storylabai and let us know you’re also interested in joining our community. At the same price point, we’ll send you an invite link with access to all of the above plus the unlimited access to all of our generators that you’ve been used to. Why just have your cake if you can eat it, too?

Ready to join in and help shape the future of Marketing?
How can you make sure that you as a brand, as a team, or as a marketer or content creator stay relevant in the future of marketing? At StoryLab.ai, we’re focused on helping you to not just survive in that future, but to build the future of marketing. Our drive is to help people like you become better at what you do, and help you get better results.
Our shift to a community-first model means you’ll now be able to get all of the benefits from our app and all of our generators, plus the added, crucial benefit of being able to learn and improve yourself as you go along, throughout your life as a marketer, entrepreneur, leader, or content creator.
With a focus on unlimited learning first, and unlimited AI content second.
When you join the StoryLab.ai community, you get access to all of the resources like videos and courses, direct conversations with the StoryLab.ai team and other highly experienced co-moderators and community members — and you will get unlimited access to all of StoryLab.ai’s AI Marketing Content Generators as a free bonus.
Sign up for the Community and join in the future of Marketing now
Unlimited access to StoryLab.ai’s AI Content Marketing Toolkit is currently priced at 19 Dollars/month.
Instead of diving into the future of content marketing tool-first, why not try it Learning-Community-First, at the same price of 19 Dollars a month, check it out, learn, apply, and grow —with no strings attached because you can cancel at any time.