What Is Content Repurposing And How Can AI Help?

AI Content Repurposing

“Content is king”. It’s a phrase (or should that be mantra) indelibly etched into the minds of every SEO. But here’s the thing: producing thought-provoking, engaging, fresh — not to mention keyword-rich — content is a full-time job. You’d never expect a convenience store owner to star in their own weekly podcast, or a restaurant owner to pen monthly musings on the cultural impact of their cuisine — so why do we demand similar feats from our online entrepreneurs? 

As anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of digital marketing will understand, it’s all for the SERPs (search engine results pages). Climbing to the top of Google’s rankings demands top-quality content, but if you’ve not got the time to write thousands of words every week, what can you do? 

The answer is remarkably simple: repurpose your existing content!

Below, we’ll explain all you need to know about content repurposing, and detail how to use AI content tools to expedite the process further

What is content repurposing?

What is content repurposing

Content repurposing is the art of taking existing content and transforming it into new formats or redistributing it across different platforms. This approach not only maximizes the value of the content you’ve already created but also ensures that your message reaches a wider audience. Think of it as the digital equivalent ofreduce, reuse, recycle— but for your blog posts, videos, podcasts, and more.

Instead of constantly churning out new material, which can be both time-consuming and resource-intensive, content repurposing allows you to leverage what you’ve already produced. 

For instance, let’s say you wrote a blog post titledThe Benefits of Hiring in Spain.This piece could be repurposed into multiple formats: you could create a YouTube video using the blog as a script outline, discussing the key points on camera; or, you could break down the blog into a series of LinkedIn posts, each highlighting a different benefit of hiring in Spain. 

Additionally, the blog could be transformed into an infographic that visually presents the data and statistics, making it more shareable on social media platforms like Pinterest and Twitter.

By doing so, you’re not only extending the life of your content but also tailoring it to suit the consumption habits of different audience segments.

Why repurpose content?

The benefits of content repurposing are numerous, making it a strategic move for anyone looking to optimize their content marketing efforts. Here’s why repurposing should be a key component of your content strategy:

  • Increased reach: Different people consume content in different ways. Some prefer reading long-form articles, while others might opt for a quick video or a podcast during their commute. By repurposing your content into various formats, you can meet your audience where they are, thereby increasing your reach.
  • Improved SEO: Repurposing content across multiple platforms can also boost your SEO efforts. When done correctly, repurposing can generate more backlinks to your original content, drive additional traffic to your website, and help you rank for a broader range of keywords.
  • Time efficiency: Creating high-quality content from scratch is a significant investment of time and energy. Repurposing allows you to get more mileage out of your existing content, freeing up time for other important tasks like strategy development or customer engagement.
  • Consistent messaging: Repurposing ensures that your core message remains consistent across all channels. This consistency helps to reinforce your brand identity and makes it easier for your audience to remember and recognize your message.
  • Content longevity: Evergreen content, which remains relevant over time, is particularly well-suited for repurposing. By periodically updating and republishing such content, you can keep it fresh and continue to drive traffic long after the original publication date.

How AI can revolutionize content repurposing

How AI can revolutionize content repurposing

While the concept of repurposing is not new, the tools available to us today — particularly AI-powered ones like ChatGPT, and our very own Storylab.ai — have made the process faster and more efficient than ever before. Here’s how AI can transform your content repurposing efforts:

  • Content summarization and expansion: AI can quickly analyze your existing content and either condense it into bite-sized summaries or expand on it to create new, detailed pieces. For example, you could feed an article into an AI tool and ask it to generate a summary for a quick LinkedIn post or to expand on a specific section for a more in-depth article.
  • Automated social media content: Writing compelling social media posts can be a tedious task, but AI can simplify it. By analyzing the tone and key points of your content, AI can generate engaging posts tailored for different platforms, ensuring each post is optimized for its specific audience.
  • Translating and localizing content: If you’re looking to reach a global audience, AI can help translate and localize your content, making it accessible to non-English speakers. This is particularly useful if you want to repurpose your content for markets with different languages and cultural nuances.
  • Generating visual content: AI tools can also assist in creating visual content. For example, an AI can take data from a blog post and generate an infographic, or help design slides for a presentation. Visuals are a powerful way to repurpose content, as they can be easily shared on social media and other platforms.
  • Content personalization: One of the most exciting applications of AI in content repurposing is personalization. AI can analyze user data to tailor content to specific audience segments. For instance, you could use AI to create multiple versions of a blog post, each tailored to different audience demographics or interests. This level of personalization can significantly boost engagement and conversion rates.

Practical steps to get started with AI-driven content repurposing

To get started with AI-driven content repurposing, the first step is to audit your existing content. Begin by reviewing your content library to identify pieces that have performed well or contain evergreen information suitable for repurposing. Tools like Google Analytics can be invaluable in helping you pinpoint which content has resonated most with your audience. This analysis will give you a solid foundation to build upon, ensuring that your efforts are focused on the most valuable content.

Once you’ve identified content for repurposing, it’s essential to choose the right AI tools to assist in the process. Fortunately, you’re in the right place — we’ve got a wide range of AI content creation tools right here at storylab.ai. Whether you’re looking to generate social media captions from existing blog posts or elongate and update articles from your archives, we can help!

But before diving into the actual repurposing, it’s important to set clear objectives. Consider what you want to achieve with your repurposed content. Are you aiming to increase your social media presence, improve your SEO rankings, or reach a new audience? Having clear goals in mind will guide your approach and help you determine the most effective formats and channels for your repurposed content.

As you begin repurposing, don’t be afraid to experiment and iterate. Content repurposing is not a one-size-fits-all strategy, so it’s vital to test different formats and methods to see what works best for your audience. Whether it’s transforming a blog post into a video or breaking down a long-form article into a series of social media posts, experimenting with different approaches will help you discover the most effective ways to repurpose your content.

So, the next time you’re staring at a blank page, wondering how to keep up with the relentless demand for fresh content, remember: you don’t always need something new. Sometimes, the best ideas are the ones you’ve already had — they just need a fresh spin.

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