Welcome To StoryLab.ai

Write More, Write Faster, Write Better.

Today marks the launch of a very special project I’ve had the pleasure to be working on with a wonderful team. This might change the landscape of the writing world. And your and my world with it.

I’m very happy to tell you a little bit about it.

Who is StoryLab.ai for?

We built StoryLab.ai for marketers, brand builders, and content creators who feel the constant pressing need to create more and better​ stories. ​

We’re here for you if you are a tactical marketer, a producing or multiple hat marketer, or if you’re simply a content creator or writer looking to scale your storytelling.

What is StoryLab.ai?

StoryLab.ai is an online tool ​
That generates content ideas for you, and then helps you along the writing process by generating titles, hooks and outlines for your stories. We also offer ready-made copy for your marketing purposes.​

The A.I. part of our product​
Is a direct link to GPT-3, the most powerful Natural Language Processing A.I. available in the market.​

Our content and template library​
Together with our tool, not only help you write more content faster: using them will help make you a better and more effective storyteller.

How is StoryLab.ai different from other AI content generators?

The major upside of AI marketing copy generators in general, of course, is that you as a copywriter, content creator, or multiple hat marketer won’t have to stare at a blank page ever again. Awesome.

But what most AI copy generators fail to do is this:

They do not necessarily make your content better. They fail to make you a better writer. They fail to make you and your team create and share ever better stories for your brand.

And that’s what you’re really looking for, isn’t it?

Why AI copy generators don’t make you a better writer, except this one

Most AI copywriting services have been built by developers with limited knowledge of writing, content creation or marketing, and with the sole purpose of generating content output.​

Which some of them do, admittedly, exceedingly fast and well.

Storylab.ai however, was built by a team of passionate experts in content marketing, growth hacking, and storytelling. ​This makes the whole concept different, from the ground up.

We help marketers, brand builders and content creators write better stories faster and easier. And we help make them better storytellers along the way.​

We do that by using our extensive knowledge of strategic writing and storytelling, combined with the best Natural Language Processing technology available.

We believe Artificial Intelligence should not compete with or dull human creativity. Instead we believe AI should support and stimulate human creativity.

Storytelling and creativity should be a social, collaborative effort between humans, other humans, and machines.

That’s what StoryLab.ai is here to facilitate.

Welcome to StoryLab.ai

To reach your growth goals, you need better copy. ​
More stories. Faster.​

We can help you get there. ​

And we’ll help you become a better storyteller along the way.

We believe we’re building something special. And we believe humans need more than AI to create more and better stories. We need each other to make ourselves and our stories better.

Come build this next story with us.

Feel inspired by our story? Here’s what you can do next:​

Come over to our storytelling workshop at StoryLab.ai, test our product for free and help us improve it.​
Join our community, grow, and help others grow as storytellers, as brands, and as human beings.

Author bio:

Erwin LimaErwin Lima: What inspires Erwin is helping people, teams and brands to become the best version of themselves. Guiding them with curiosity, empathy, and Growth Storytelling.

Over the past 10+ years as a copywriter, author, consultant, and coach, he’s helped dozens of Brands, Teams, and individual human beings to grow their sense of motivation and focus, but also their reach, engagement, and revenue— through the power of their own story. You can find Erwin on LinkedIn and on his website.

Master the Art of Video Marketing

AI-Powered Tools to Ideate, Optimize, and Amplify!

  • Spark Creativity: Unleash the most effective video ideas, scripts, and engaging hooks with our AI Generators.
  • Optimize Instantly: Elevate your YouTube presence by optimizing video Titles, Descriptions, and Tags in seconds.
  • Amplify Your Reach: Effortlessly craft social media, email, and ad copy to maximize your video’s impact.