AI LinkedIn Post Generator [Start for Free]

Create Effective LinkedIn Posts Fast.

Start with AI LinkedIn post generator

What Is’s AI LinkedIn Post Generator? is an online AI Tool that helps you create better content. Fast.

Enhance your LinkedIn strategy with’s AI LinkedIn Post Generator, a key feature in our comprehensive toolkit designed specifically for LinkedIn marketers. This AI LinkedIn Post Generator helps you swiftly brainstorm new LinkedIn post ideas, repurpose your existing LinkedIn content, craft engaging LinkedIn post captions, and even develop visuals and video scripts tailored for LinkedIn.

Unlock the potential of faster, more effective content creation with our AI LinkedIn Post Generator—start for free and begin crafting standout LinkedIn posts more efficiently than ever.

Beyond Just a LinkedIn Post Generator offers more than just a LinkedIn Post Generator. It’s a full-fledged Content Creation Platform that enables you to produce advertisements, blog posts, video scripts, and much more, all within seconds. Explore the full capabilities of our platform and enhance your content strategy by watching our introductory video.

Benefits of AI-Powered LinkedIn Post Generator

Let AI be your creative partner in crafting compelling LinkedIn captions, generating innovative ideas, producing social media video scripts, and designing impactful images. Generating fresh ideas can be challenging, but AI stimulates creativity by exploring your main topics from diverse perspectives.

Top benefits of the AI LinkedIn Post Generator

  🤖 AI modes  13 writing styles
 ✍️ Improves  Copy, images, and scripts
 📖 Support  17+ Languages
 💲 Price  Free and Premium
Benefits of AI-Powered LinkedIn Post Generator


How to start with the AI LinkedIn Post Generator

Our LinkedIn Post Generator consists of multiple tools for multiple Social Media Platforms. We’re going to showcase a couple of our AI Tools in this post and you can set up your free account to play along.

LinkedIn Post Generator Tools

  • LinkedIn Post Idea Generator
  • LinkedIn Caption Generator
  • LinkedIn Content Repurposing Generator
  • LinkedIn Image Generator
  • LinkedIn Video Script Generator

Social Media Post Generator Channels:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • TikTok
  • Twitter / X

Text LinkedIn Post Generator

If you’re looking to create a simple text LinkedIn post, you can go ahead and use our AI LinkedIn Caption Generator. Here’s how it works.

  1. Select a social media channel (we chose LinkedIn)
  2. Describe the topic (our topic: Creating effective LinkedIn posts)
  3. Describe the target audience (for us; Marketers)
  4. Enter your point of view (we entered; AI can help)
  5. Select a style (we selected Comedic)

Here’s what the AI LinkedIn Post Generator came up with:

AI Text LinkedIn Post Generator Output Examples

AI Text LinkedIn Post Generator Output Example

🚀 Hey Marketers, Feeling Lost in the LinkedIn Jungle? 🤯

Did you know that crafting the perfect LinkedIn post is like trying to find a cat in a room full of rocking chairs? 🎸 But worry not, our AI’s got you covered! 🤖✨

👩‍💻 Meet AI, your new BFF (Best Feed Friend). Say goodbye to writer’s block and hello to posts that get ALL the likes and shares. 💬👍

🚀 Attention All Marketers! Ready to make your LinkedIn posts more effective than a cat video on YouTube? 🐱

Introducing: *drumroll please* 🥁… AI!

Yes, folks, Artificial Intelligence is here to take your LinkedIn game from “meh” to “WOWZA!” 💥✨

Picture this: you’re sipping your third latte of the day, and BAM—AI has already crafted the perfect post, optimized hashtags, and even predicted when

🚀 Marketers, it’s time to confess! 🚀

Ever sat there staring at your LinkedIn post draft thinking, “I’ll just let AI *think* of something clever for me”? 😅

🦸‍♂️ Fear not! AI to the rescue! 🦸‍♀️

Swipe right on AI (we know you already do 😉) to make your LinkedIn posts as effective as a puppy pic in your feed. 🐶❤️

Here’s what it came up with with a ‘Witty’ style

Ready to make your LinkedIn posts so engaging that even your cat would hit the ‘like’ button? 🐱✨

Skip the guesswork and let AI be your secret weapon! From headline magic to audience-swooning content, it’s like having a 24/7 marketing genius in your pocket. 🤖💡

Marketers, let’s ride the wave of AI wizardry and watch those engagement rates skyrocket! 🚀📈

🚀 Ready to Level Up Your LinkedIn Game? 🤖✨

Marketers, listen up! AI isn’t just for robots and rocket scientists. It’s your secret weapon to crafting LinkedIn posts that not only stand out but get people to stop scrolling, engage, and take action. 🛑👇

Imagine: tailored content that speaks directly to your audience’s heartstrings, automated insights that refine your strategy, and creative boosts that turn thumbs into clicks! 🎯👥

Ever feel like your LinkedIn posts are shouting into the void? 🤔

Turns out, AI isn’t just for sci-fi flicks anymore. It’s here to turn your content from meh to mind-blowing! 🚀

Marketers, get ready to up your LinkedIn game with AI-driven insights that’ll make your posts un-scrollable. Click the link to discover how to captivate your audience and make that like button sweat! 🔥 #MarketingMagic #AIWizardry

Text and Image LinkedIn Post Generator

If you want to create a full LinkedIn post with an image, be sure to check out our AI Text-to-Image Generator and create awesome LinkedIn images for your posts.

There are pre-defined AI Image Styles you can choose from or you can leave the style blank and add your own style in the prompt. Here’s what it looks like:

AI Text and Image LinkedIn Post Generator Output Example

Video LinkedIn Post Generator

If you’re looking to create a Video LinkedIn Post, our LinkedIn Video Script Generator has you covered. Just input your video post idea, and let AI assist you in crafting an effective script.

Simply press the record button, follow the outlined steps, and then utilize our LinkedIn caption generator to add compelling captions. Your video LinkedIn post is now ready to go live.

For this example we’ve used the following inputs:

  • Video length: 1 minute
  • Channel: LinkedIn
  • Tone of voice: Professional
  • Video Type: Social
  • Video Style: Fast-paced
  • Creation Difficulty: Easy
  • Content Goals: Views
  • Target audience: Marketers
  • Topic: How to create an effective LinkedIn post

Here’s what the Video LinkedIn Post Generator came up with:

AI LinkedIn video Post Script Generator Output Example

Video LinkedIn Post Generator output example

[INTRO: UPBEAT MUSIC, ANIMATION OF LINKEDIN LOGO] [TEXT ON SCREEN: “Master Your LinkedIn Posts”] [Scene 1: PERSON 1, a professional MARKETER, in a well-lit office, looking directly at the camera]

PERSON 1: (Smiling) “Are you ready to supercharge your LinkedIn game? In the next 60 seconds, I’m going to share quick, actionable tips to create an effective LinkedIn post that grabs attention and drives engagement!”

[CUT TO: TEXT ON SCREEN: “Tip 1: Capture Attention”] [Scene 2: OVER-THE-SHOULDER shot of PERSON 1 typing on LinkedIn]

PERSON 1 VOICEOVER: “First, start with a compelling hook. Whether it’s a question, a bold statement, or an interesting fact, make sure it grabs attention in the first three seconds.”

[CUT TO: TEXT ON SCREEN: “Tip 2: Value-Driven Content”] [Scene 3: CLOSE-UP of LinkedIn post with valuable insights]

PERSON 1 VOICEOVER: “Next, provide value. Share insights, tips, or personal experiences that your audience can benefit from. Remember, it’s all about them, not you.”

[CUT TO: TEXT ON SCREEN: “Tip 3: Clear Call to Action”] [Scene 4: ANIMATION of a LinkedIn post with a strong call to action]

PERSON 1 VOICEOVER: “Finally, end with a clear call to action. Whether you want comments, shares, or clicks, guide your audience on what to do next.”

[CUT TO: TEXT ON SCREEN: “Ready to Elevate Your LinkedIn Game?”] [Scene 5: PERSON 1 back on screen]

PERSON 1: (Confidently) “Ready to elevate your LinkedIn game? Implement these tips today and watch your engagement soar!”

[CUT TO: TEXT ON SCREEN: “Subscribe for More Tips!” with LinkedIn icons]

PERSON 1 VOICEOVER: “Don’t forget to follow for more marketing insights. Let’s connect and grow together!”


#LinkedInMarketing #ContentStrategy #MarketingTips #SocialMediaEngagement

AI LinkedIn Repurposing Post Generator

Suppose one of your social media posts performs exceptionally well on one platform. You may want to adapt this content for another platform, or you might choose to maintain the topic while altering the angle, tone, or format of the post.

Our AI Social Media Repurposing Generator is perfectly designed to assist you with these modifications.

Just copy and paste an existing social media post, provide your specific inputs and prompts, and let AI seamlessly handle the transformation.

For instance, here’s how we took a successful social media post originally shared on platform X and repurposed it for LinkedIn:

Educate your employees on how to get the best out of #LinkedIn

It’s not your colleague’s job to know the best practices on LinkedIn.

Create & share a simple infographic like this one with your team and get better results.

#SocialMediaMarketing #Growth

AI LinkedIn Repurposing Generator Output Example

AI LinkedIn Post Repurposing Generator Output Example

🔍💡 Ever wondered how your team can master the art of LinkedIn? Spoiler: It’s not solely up to your colleagues to be LinkedIn gurus.

Imagine if you had an AI-powered assistant guiding your team to LinkedIn greatness. Well, guess what? You do!

👨‍🏫✨ Here’s a nifty idea: Create and share a simple, AI-enhanced infographic outlining the best practices, and watch your employee engagement skyrocket 🚀.

Why stop there?

🤖💬 AI tools can:
– Analyze engagement metrics to optimize posts 📊
– Generate compelling content ideas tailored to your industry 🎨
– Offer personalized growth hacks for each team member 🚀

Bonus: Engage your marketing team with a quick tutorial on leveraging AI to amplify their LinkedIn efforts.

Ready to boost your LinkedIn game together? Let’s turn those clicks into connections! 🌐🤝

#SocialMediaMarketing #Growth #AI #LinkedIn #MarketingExperts #BoostYourGame

🚀 Want to help your team become #LinkedIn superstars?

Let’s face it, it’s not your colleague’s job to be a LinkedIn guru. But what if you could be the hero who changes the game? 📈

Here’s where AI steps in, cape and all! 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️ Imagine distributing a simple, impactful infographic that breaks down LinkedIn best practices – from optimizing profiles to clever content strategies. All of this thanks to AI-powered insights.

👥 Educate your employees on how to get the best out of #LinkedIn with the magic of AI!
🎨 Create & share a simple infographic like this one with your team for unprecedented results.
💡 You’ll be surprised at how these small tweaks can lead to big wins in #Engagement and #Growth.

Swipe right to see our sample infographic [carousel showing an engaging infographic with tips].

#SocialMediaMarketing #Growth #AIBenefits #MarketingTips

Remember, knowledge shared is success multiplied! 🔥

🎓 Ready to Navigate LinkedIn Like a Pro? 🚀

“Did you know that LinkedIn is more than where your résumé lives online? It’s a powerhouse for lead generation, brand building, and industry expertise! But hey, it’s not your colleague’s job to know all the tricks. That’s where YOU come in! 😉

We’ve teamed up with AI (who says robots have no heart?) to make your life easier and your team’s LinkedIn skills sharper. 🤖

Check out this simple, slick infographic we’ve cooked up for you. It’s not just pretty colors and fun icons; it’s packed with actionable insights like:

🔍 Optimizing your profile for SEO (Yes, LinkedIn has SEO too!)
📝 Crafting magnetic headlines and summaries
📊 Understanding analytics to tweak your posts for better reach
💬 Engaging with connections (Hint: It’s not just about sending connection requests)
🎯 Harnessing the power of hashtags and groups for niche marketing

Why clutter your inbox with lengthy docs when you can have an at-a-glance guide? Share this with your team and watch your engagement rates soar! 📈✨

#SocialMediaMarketing #Growth #AI #LinkedInExpertTips #MarketingStrategy

AI LinkedIn Post Generator Pricing

Our pricing is set up as followed:

  • Free – get 3 runs a month to try our tools out for free;
  • Pro – $15 a month – 100 runs a month;
  • Unlimited – $19 a month – unlimited runs a month;

You can also opt-in for the yearly membership and receive a 20% price reduction.

You can check out our full pricing here.

How to Create Effective LinkedIn Posts with AI

How to Create Effective LinkedIn Posts with AI

Creating effective LinkedIn posts with AI involves a strategic approach that leverages technology to enhance content quality and engagement. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you utilize AI for crafting compelling LinkedIn posts:

Define Your Objective: Start by clarifying the goal of your post. Whether it’s to generate leads, share industry insights, or build brand awareness, having a clear objective will guide the AI in generating relevant content.

Use an AI Content Generator: Access an AI LinkedIn Post Generator, like, which can help you create content based on your specific needs. Input key details about your target audience, the message you want to convey, and any other relevant information.

Generate Ideas and Drafts: Let the AI propose several post ideas or angles. Evaluate these suggestions and select the one that best aligns with your goals and audience interests.

Customize the Content: While AI provides a strong starting point, personalize the draft by adding your unique voice, professional insights, or industry-specific terminology that resonates with your LinkedIn network.

Optimize for Engagement: Enhance your post with engaging elements such as compelling questions, clear calls-to-action, and relevant hashtags. AI tools can suggest optimization tactics based on data-driven insights.

Create Visuals and Videos: Use AI-driven tools to generate accompanying images or video scripts that complement your post and increase its visual appeal.

Review and Edit: Before publishing, thoroughly review and tweak the content to ensure accuracy and professionalism. AI can assist in grammar and style editing to polish the post further.

Schedule and Analyze: Utilize AI tools to determine the best time to post based on audience activity and previous engagement metrics. After posting, use AI analytics to track the performance and gather insights for future posts.

By integrating AI into your LinkedIn content strategy, you can streamline the creation process, enhance content quality, and better engage your professional audience.

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