How To Use AI and Email Marketing To Promote Your eBook in 2024

AI and Humans working together

Few digital strategies are better equipped to get your eBook in front of your target audience than email marketing.

There’s a famous statistic stating that for every $1 you spend on email marketing you can yield a $38 ROI. The caveat here is that for you to see these kinds of returns, you need to do email marketing right.

In many cases, “doing it right” means using it to supercharge your other marketing content.

You’ve invested lots of time and effort in creating your eBook. Now it needs to reach as many sets of eyeballs as possible. Email is often the best way to ensure your target audience gets the message.

But how do you craft emails that will maximize traffic to your digital publication and how can Artificial Intelligence (AI) help create your eBook?

Like with any other form of marketing in today’s digital age, there are nuances and various things to consider. Below we look at some tips that will help you drive more traffic and engagement with email marketing.

1. Boost your email open rates with the help of AI

Boost your email open rates rates

The most important thing you can do to get more people to open your email is to use a catchy email subject line.

Tips for good subject lines:

  • Keep the subject line short (max. 50 characters)
  • Expectation management: be honest about what’s in the email (don’t say free when it’s not free)
  • Write using the active voice, in the present tense

It’s also important to optimize the preview text (or snippet). This is a line of text that displays in most email clients right after, or below, the subject.

When you leave the preview text blank, you’ll see something default like “click here for the web version” — a missed opportunity. Instead, use the preview text to communicate the most important details and entice your recipients to open the email.

Check out’s AI-Powered Email Subject Line Generator to get ideas for your next emails. 

Here’s what it looks like when we use the input ‘Email Marketing’

Promote ebook with email - AI email subject line generator

2. Improve your email click-through rates

Improve your email click-through rates

It’s a step in the right direction if recipients open your email. But what you really want is for them to engage and ultimately click through to your eBook. That’s where optimizing the contents of your email becomes important.

Firstly, keep your email short and to the point. Keep in mind that the goal is not necessarily for them to read your email, the goal is to get them to click through to your publication.

Use bullet points to make your email quickly scannable and easy to digest. Many theorize that using an odd number of bullets is better and makes it easier for your reader to remember.

Another key is personalization. More than 80% of consumers say personalization factors into their purchasing decisions. This includes personalizing email subject lines, but it goes beyond that — you can use recipient behavior to help boost your click-through rate (CTR). For example, sending repeat or follow-up emails based on whether a recipient clicked on your previous email is a savvy move.

Check out’s AI-Powered Email Copy Generator and get copy ideas.

Another tip for boosting CTR is to create a sense of urgency. Anything that creates a ticking clock and makes the reader feel he or she might miss something special is a good tactic. Letting your audience know that an offer is limited or will expire after a certain amount of time will do the trick.

Finally, optimizing your calls to action has the most potential to affect your CTR. It’s so important, in fact, that it deserves its own section here.

3. Optimize your Email CTAs

Your email marketing strategy is all for naught if it doesn’t include a clear and prominent call-to-action (CTA). It’s the CTA that will compel readers to take further action (i.e. click through to your publication), so make sure it’s attractive.

First, you’ll likely want to make your CTA a button. Using a visual element tends to catch the eye and is more intuitive. Split-tests revealed that button-based CTAs have higher CTRs.

Colors are important, too. Make sure the CTA is bright and bold, and that there’s plenty of white space around it so the reader’s eyes focus where you want them to. Placing your CTA “above the fold,” where it’s the first thing people see is guaranteed to increase your CTR.

And if you can’t get your CTA button above the fold, consider adding a hyperlink in the first paragraph so that people don’t have to scroll down to get to the most important part.

It’s also good practice to make the text short and sweet — both the text of the button and the text surrounding it. Use short sentences, heavy on active verbs, to inspire action.

4. Utilize Video in your Email Marketing

Adding video is another great way to supercharge your email marketing. Statistics by Wistia, in fact, say that you can see up to a 300% increase in click-through rates by incorporating video.

People instinctively respond to images, and videos go even further in their ability to catch a reader’s attention. Moreover, a video can convey far more information and sentiment in the same amount of space.

You can use it to humanize your brand by showing the people behind the message you’re sending. Or you can use video to pull back the curtain and give a sneak peek at the contents of your publication.

Do note that some email providers are not compatible with embedded video, so check before implementing your strategy. A tip to get around this is to use an animated GIF that links to the full video clip.

5. Keep track of your Email Marketing success

As with all marketing activities, it’s vital to pay attention to the data. As you try new tactics, be sure to incorporate a strategy for measuring the success of your changes.

Look at what your audience clicks on. Look at what subject lines perform best. Just as important: what does not perform well? Through testing and analyzing your results, you can improve your email strategy, steadily boost engagement and get more clicks to your eBook. And don’t be afraid to enlist the help of some tried and true email tools to help in this endeavor.

6. Use AI to build an entire campaign in minutes

You want to promote your ebook far and wide. Email Marketing is great, but you should go even further. Create a landing page, email campaign, social media posts, and more in minutes with the help of the AI Campaign Builder. Check out the short video below.

Exploring Monetization Strategies Across Digital Platforms

Promoting ebooks via email campaigns is just the tip of the iceberg. To truly harness the potential of online content creation, it’s essential to consider a variety of digital platforms and their unique monetization strategies. Just as email marketing opens doors for ebook authors, other platforms offer similar opportunities for diverse types of content creators.

The Importance of Diversifying Revenue Streams

For digital content creators, including authors, YouTubers, and influencers, diversifying revenue streams is not just beneficial—it’s necessary for sustainable success. Managing multiple platforms can be complex, requiring not only creative content production but also efficient financial and administrative tools. Strategies that work for email marketing, such as targeted communications and analytics tracking, are also applicable in managing and monetizing other digital content forms. This holistic approach ensures that creators can maximize their earnings while engaging with their audience across different media.

A significant part of digital content monetization is understanding the financial aspects, such as invoicing for sponsored content. For content creators looking to expand beyond ebooks, learning to effectively monetize platforms like YouTube is crucial.

By exploring these varied platforms and learning from detailed guides, content creators can enhance their digital presence and revenue streams effectively. This integrated approach not only broadens their audience but also solidifies their financial foundation in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Bonus tip

Promoting your eBook or white paper takes a lot of time. This article just got into how you can promote it with email marketing. Be sure that the eBook you create is interactive and captures the attention of your audience. Static or Interactive PDFs are just not good enough for the job. Next to not being immersive and responsive on all devices, it won’t get you the data you need to consistently optimize your eBook. Create Interactive eBooks with an HTML-5 solution starting today.


How can email marketing be utilized to promote an eBook effectively?

Email marketing can be utilized to promote an eBook effectively by creating targeted email campaigns that highlight the eBook’s benefits, offering exclusive previews or discounts to subscribers, and incorporating compelling CTAs to drive conversions.

What are some key strategies for building an email list to promote an eBook?

Key strategies for building an email list to promote an eBook include offering valuable content upgrades or lead magnets related to the eBook topic, optimizing website opt-in forms for conversions, and leveraging social media and partnerships to expand reach and attract subscribers.

How should the content of promotional emails for an eBook be structured to maximize engagement?

The content of promotional emails for an eBook should be structured to maximize engagement by including attention-grabbing subject lines, concise and persuasive copy that highlights key benefits, and visually appealing design elements that showcase the eBook’s cover or excerpts.

What role does segmentation play in email marketing for eBook promotion?

Segmentation plays a crucial role in email marketing for eBook promotion by allowing marketers to tailor messaging and offers based on subscriber preferences, interests, and behavior, increasing relevance and engagement with targeted audience segments.

How can email automation help streamline eBook promotion campaigns?

Email automation can help streamline eBook promotion campaigns by scheduling series of automated emails to nurture leads, deliver content at optimal times, and trigger follow-up messages based on subscriber actions, ensuring consistent and timely communication with prospects.

What types of email content can be used to promote an eBook effectively?

Types of email content that can be used to promote an eBook effectively include teaser excerpts or chapters, customer testimonials or reviews, behind-the-scenes insights into the eBook creation process, and interactive elements such as quizzes or surveys related to eBook topics.

How should marketers measure the success of email marketing campaigns for eBook promotion?

Marketers should measure the success of email marketing campaigns for eBook promotion by tracking metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and overall engagement, and analyzing data to optimize future campaigns for better results.

What are some creative ways to incentivize eBook downloads through email marketing?

Some creative ways to incentivize eBook downloads through email marketing include offering limited-time discounts or bonuses, hosting exclusive giveaways or contests for subscribers, and providing access to bonus content or resources related to the eBook topic.

How can social proof be incorporated into email marketing to increase credibility and trust in eBook promotion?

Social proof can be incorporated into email marketing to increase credibility and trust in eBook promotion by featuring customer testimonials, reviews, or endorsements within email content, showcasing positive feedback and experiences from satisfied readers.

What are some best practices for maintaining engagement and nurturing relationships with email subscribers after eBook promotion campaigns?

Some best practices for maintaining engagement and nurturing relationships with email subscribers after eBook promotion campaigns include delivering valuable content regularly, segmenting subscribers based on interests or engagement levels, and encouraging feedback and interaction through surveys or community forums.

How can personalized email content enhance eBook promotion efforts?

Personalized email content enhances eBook promotion efforts by addressing subscribers by name, tailoring messaging based on past interactions or preferences, and recommending eBooks that align with their interests, increasing relevance and engagement.

What role do compelling visuals play in email marketing for eBook promotion?

Compelling visuals such as eye-catching graphics, images of eBook covers, and interactive multimedia elements enhance the visual appeal of email marketing for eBook promotion, capturing attention and enticing recipients to learn more about the featured eBook.

How should marketers leverage email segmentation to target specific audience segments for eBook promotion?

Marketers should leverage email segmentation to target specific audience segments for eBook promotion by dividing subscribers into groups based on demographics, interests, or purchase history, and tailoring email content and offers to meet the unique needs and preferences of each segment.

What are some effective strategies for increasing email open rates in eBook promotion campaigns?

Effective strategies for increasing email open rates in eBook promotion campaigns include crafting compelling subject lines that spark curiosity or urgency, optimizing preheader text to provide additional context or incentives, and testing different send times and frequencies to determine optimal timing for maximum engagement.

How can marketers use storytelling techniques in email content to create intrigue and drive eBook downloads?

Marketers can use storytelling techniques in email content by sharing anecdotes, case studies, or testimonials related to the eBook topic, creating a narrative arc that captures readers’ interest and motivates them to explore the eBook further, leading to increased downloads and conversions.

What role does email automation play in nurturing leads and guiding prospects through the eBook sales funnel?

Email automation plays a crucial role in nurturing leads and guiding prospects through the eBook sales funnel by delivering targeted content at key touchpoints in the customer journey, such as welcome sequences, educational drip campaigns, and re-engagement series, to move subscribers closer to conversion.

How can marketers encourage social sharing and word-of-mouth promotion of eBooks through email campaigns?

Marketers can encourage social sharing and word-of-mouth promotion of eBooks through email campaigns by including social sharing buttons and “Forward to a Friend” options in emails, incentivizing referrals with exclusive bonuses or discounts, and creating shareable content that resonates with subscribers’ networks.

What are some effective ways to repurpose email content to extend the lifespan of eBook promotion campaigns?

Effective ways to repurpose email content to extend the lifespan of eBook promotion campaigns include turning eBook chapters or excerpts into standalone blog posts or videos, creating email courses or webinars based on eBook topics, and recycling successful email copy or CTAs in future campaigns.

How can marketers leverage email analytics and tracking data to optimize eBook promotion strategies over time?

Marketers can leverage email analytics and tracking data to optimize eBook promotion strategies by monitoring key performance metrics such as conversion rates, unsubscribe rates, and engagement trends, and using insights to refine targeting, content, and messaging for future campaigns.

What are some ethical considerations to keep in mind when using email marketing to promote eBooks?

Some ethical considerations to keep in mind when using email marketing to promote eBooks include obtaining explicit consent from subscribers before sending promotional emails, providing clear opt-out options and honoring unsubscribe requests promptly, and adhering to relevant data privacy regulations such as GDPR or CAN-SPAM Act.

Author bio

Ritesh SheombarRitesh is a digital marketing manager with years of experience in driving growth. He’s currently the director of inbound marketing at Foleon. You can find more about him on his LinkedIn profile.

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