How to Create more Engaging Website Copy

Let’s spice it up

A large chunk of text, in Arial 12 font is something nobody gets excited about. No matter how great the content, your article will be skipped. You need to be able to convince your reader in a few seconds, especially in digital magazines. This blog gives you five ways to make your text come to life!

1. Great typography

Add a unique feel or style to a text by playing around with different fonts, font properties, sizes, and colors. Use clean and professional fonts for business communications and something more playful for a human interest story. You could think of using a large header, a bold font, or even contrasting colors.

Use FontPair to check which Google fonts would go together. Alternatively, use Bold Web Design’s font combination tool to see how two fonts would work together. Keep in mind that we recommend not using more than two different fonts.

Make sure the body of the text has a calm look, so you can play around with titles, subheadings, and quotes. Be careful that your text does not become too ‘loud’. Overusing shapes and colors will be distracting for your readers.

2. Play around with words

Play around with words for engaging web copy

But there’s more to letters than just the way they look. The right words really give your message an extra boost. Use catchy titles and powerful first sentences:

  • Place short, powerful titles above long articles. Be sure to use a subheading or a ‘lead’ that summarizes your text.
  • Ask a question: So what can you do with an online magazine? (Check out our AI Questionnaire Maker)
  • Address the reader directly: Here are five tips to writing exciting texts.
  • Use alliteration: Magnificent magazines and creative content.

3. Split it up

You can read longer articles in digital magazines by scrolling down. Give each article a different layout:

  • Split your article into several bite-sized chunks of text.
  • Alternate between short and long texts.
  • Use summaries and lists to provide a clear overview of the facts.
  • You can use powerful quotes to bring a long article or an interview to life.

4. Style

engaging web copy style

Interviews and reports have completely different layouts. It’s very important to take the time to consider the style of your article.

If there’s a contradiction in your article, you could put a creative spin on things by dividing the copy into two columns (pros and cons). This is a simple way to guide your readers through the text.

Is the interviewee responding to statements, then you can divide the answers into blocks of text. Your page will look completely different and will have a great structure.

5. A picture is worth a thousand words

A page with text can turn out very well indeed if you use the tips mentioned above. Why not experiment a little? But: don’t forget to use images! Adding images to your text will increase its impact:

  • Photos, illustrations, and videos will really make your text come to life!
  • Icons are also really good illustrations. An excellent site to get icons is Flaticon.
  • You can use your own camera to take pictures, but there are some really great (free) stock photo sites.
  • If you have enough budget you could also use a professional photographer.
  • Consider running a video in the background. This will certainly create a good ambience and attract attention!


What is website copy, and why is it important for engagement?

Website copy refers to the written content displayed on a website’s pages, including headlines, product descriptions, and calls-to-action. It’s essential for engagement because compelling copy captures visitors’ attention, communicates value, and encourages action.

How can I create engaging website copy?

To create engaging website copy, focus on understanding your target audience, highlighting benefits and unique selling points, using clear and concise language, incorporating storytelling elements, and optimizing for readability and scannability.

Why is it important to tailor website copy to the target audience?

Tailoring website copy to the target audience ensures that the content resonates with their interests, preferences, and needs, increasing the likelihood of engagement, conversion, and customer satisfaction.

What role does storytelling play in website copywriting?

Storytelling in website copywriting helps humanize the brand, establish emotional connections with visitors, and convey key messages in a memorable and engaging way, ultimately enhancing brand perception and engagement.

How can I optimize website copy for search engines (SEO)?

To optimize website copy for SEO, conduct keyword research, incorporate relevant keywords naturally into the copy, write descriptive meta tags and headings, and create high-quality content that addresses user intent and provides value.

Are there any best practices for writing compelling headlines?

Best practices for writing compelling headlines include capturing attention with a clear benefit or hook, using power words and emotional triggers, keeping headlines concise and specific, and testing different variations to determine effectiveness.

What types of calls-to-action (CTAs) are most effective for driving engagement?

Effective calls-to-action for driving engagement include clear, action-oriented phrases that communicate value or urgency, such as “Shop Now,” “Subscribe for Updates,” or “Get Started,” placed strategically throughout the website copy.

How can I maintain consistency in tone and voice across website copy?

Maintaining consistency in tone and voice across website copy involves establishing brand guidelines, understanding the brand personality, and ensuring all content creators adhere to the established style and messaging standards.

Is it important to regularly update and refresh website copy?

Yes, regularly updating and refreshing website copy keeps content relevant, accurate, and engaging for visitors. It also signals to search engines that the website is active and authoritative, potentially improving search rankings.

How can I measure the effectiveness of website copy in driving engagement?

You can measure the effectiveness of website copy in driving engagement by tracking metrics such as bounce rate, time on page, click-through rate on CTAs, conversion rate, and user feedback through surveys or analytics tools.

How can I make website copy more visually appealing?

Making website copy more visually appealing involves using formatting techniques such as bullet points, subheadings, and bold or italicized text to break up long paragraphs, improve readability, and draw attention to key points.

What role do customer testimonials and reviews play in website copy?

Customer testimonials and reviews provide social proof and credibility, reinforcing the value proposition and building trust with potential customers, thus increasing engagement and conversion rates.

How can I create a sense of urgency in website copy?

Creating a sense of urgency in website copy involves using persuasive language, time-limited offers, countdown timers, or limited stock notifications to encourage visitors to take immediate action, increasing conversion rates.

Are there any strategies for optimizing website copy for mobile users?

Strategies for optimizing website copy for mobile users include keeping content concise and scannable, using responsive design to ensure readability on various devices, and minimizing load times for faster access to information.

Should website copy focus on features or benefits?

Website copy should primarily focus on benefits rather than features, highlighting how the product or service solves problems, fulfills needs, or improves the user’s life, which resonates more with visitors and drives engagement.

How can I create website copy that aligns with brand values and identity?

Creating website copy that aligns with brand values and identity involves understanding the brand’s mission, personality, and target audience, and infusing these elements into the copy through language, tone, and messaging.

What role does storytelling play in product descriptions?

Storytelling in product descriptions helps evoke emotions, create connections with customers, and illustrate how the product fits into their lives, making it more compelling and memorable, thus driving engagement and sales.

Can website copy benefit from using visual elements such as images and videos?

Yes, incorporating visual elements such as images, videos, infographics, and interactive content enhances website copy by making it more engaging, informative, and visually appealing, capturing visitors’ attention and encouraging interaction.

How can I optimize website copy for voice search?

Optimizing website copy for voice search involves using natural language, long-tail keywords, and conversational phrases that mirror how people speak, increasing the chances of appearing in voice search results and driving organic traffic.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in website copywriting?

Common mistakes to avoid in website copywriting include using jargon or technical language, neglecting to address customer pain points, focusing too much on the company rather than the customer, and failing to proofread for errors or inconsistencies.

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Author bio

Ritesh SheombarRitesh is a digital marketing manager with years of experience in driving growth. He’s currently the director of inbound marketing at Foleon. You can find more about him on his LinkedIn profile.

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