How to Promote your Digital Publication on Social Media

Tweeting about it once or twice is just the start

You’ve invested time and effort in creating your digital publication. You’ve thought about what interests your readers and how to present things in a visually attractive way. After all that hard work, it would be a shame to share your content just once via a newsletter, social media, or your website. These seven tips enable you to boost your reach using social and breathe new life into your existing content.

1. Share individual pages from your publication

Your online publication consists of several pages. Usually, the magazine is shared in its entirety using social media. I often suggest sharing a magazine in layers. Think of it as a trilogy, an approach that gives you several opportunities to engage your audience. Share the whole magazine first, and follow this up by sharing two more articles you believe to be especially important.

2. Share the most-read article

Analyzing your digital publication gives you a clear idea of which article was the most read, so you can be certain which page captured your audience’s attention. Share it! Consider a social media post in the following style: Have you read our latest issue yet? “The importance of winter tires” was our most-read article.

3. Respond to current events

respond to events on social media

Here’s an example: March 20 is the first day of spring, an ideal opportunity for an organization such as Steps or another women’s clothing retailer to share a page or magazine packed with summer skirts and dresses. The relevance of the subject means you’ll realize more sales. By responding cleverly to current events, you ensure that your content hits the mark and provides your target audience with a genuine service.

4. Remind your audience of certain events

Take a festive, inspiring or memorable moment as your starting point: “One year ago we celebrated our first birthday. Would you like to relive that epic party? Take a look at the photos!” Or how about a flashback to an event: “Last month, we were featured at the largest event for communication professionals in the Netherlands. Read the highlights of our presentation and view the video of our keynote here.” Since your audience was present at these events, your article is all the more relevant to them as a group.

5. Use LinkedIn Articles

Practice what you preach. Why not write a LinkedIn Article about a specific topic or field on which you are an expert? Naturally, you shouldn’t give everything away in your article, but instead, feature a link to your publication for anyone interested in learning more about the subject in question. Use the article to intrigue your readers. If your article is relevant and intriguing enough, they will be hooked and your publication will attract more views.

6. Use social advertising to promote your digital publication

Use social advertising to promote your digital publication

In addition to many “free” channels, there are of course ways of paying to have your magazine shared on social media. Facebook advertising is still relatively affordable compared to Google Ads, while allowing you to zoom in on a specific audience in terms of location, demographics, interests, or behavior.

LinkedIn offers three kinds of self-service advertising: sponsored content, text adverts, and sponsored InMail. The target group can be as specific as you like. You can narrow your focus by pinpointing factors such as location, business sector, size of business, roles, and levels of seniority.

7. Upload email addresses to Facebook

A good email database is, of course, essential in this day and age, and can also be readily adapted for social media. By uploading a list of specific email addresses you can create a ready-made audience for a targeted Facebook campaign. Read more in our Blog on Facebook-marketing. Are you eager to extend your reach to new contacts beyond your own database? Consider a look-a-like campaign: Facebook searches for other users with similar database profiles and makes sure they see your advert too.


How can I effectively promote my digital publication on social media?

You can effectively promote your digital publication on social media by creating visually appealing posts with eye-catching images or graphics, sharing teaser content or excerpts from articles, engaging with your audience through comments and messages, and leveraging relevant hashtags and tagging relevant accounts to increase visibility.

What types of social media content work best for promoting digital publications?

Types of social media content that work best for promoting digital publications include short video clips, carousel posts featuring multiple articles or features, interactive polls or quizzes related to publication topics, behind-the-scenes glimpses into the publication process, and user-generated content showcasing reader testimonials or experiences.

How can I leverage social media advertising to promote my digital publication?

You can leverage social media advertising to promote your digital publication by targeting specific audience demographics or interests, creating compelling ad creative with a clear call-to-action to subscribe or read, using retargeting ads to reach users who have previously visited your publication’s website, and testing different ad formats and messaging to optimize performance.

What role do social media influencers play in promoting digital publications?

Social media influencers can play a significant role in promoting digital publications by sharing sponsored content or endorsements with their followers, hosting giveaways or contests featuring the publication, participating in sponsored collaborations such as interviews or guest posts, and providing social proof through their recommendations and testimonials.

How can I encourage user-generated content to promote my digital publication on social media?

You can encourage user-generated content to promote your digital publication on social media by asking readers to share photos or screenshots of themselves reading the publication, creating branded hashtags for users to include in their posts, running contests or challenges with incentives for participation, and featuring user-generated content on your publication’s social media accounts.

What strategies can I use to increase engagement with my digital publication on social media?

Strategies to increase engagement with your digital publication on social media include asking questions or soliciting feedback from your audience, responding promptly to comments and messages, hosting live Q&A sessions or virtual events, sharing user-generated content or reader testimonials, and creating interactive polls or quizzes related to publication topics.

How can I optimize my social media profiles to promote my digital publication effectively?

You can optimize your social media profiles to promote your digital publication effectively by including a link to your publication’s website or subscription page in your bio, using high-quality images or logos that reflect your publication’s branding, and regularly updating your profile with relevant content and updates about your publication.

What are some creative ways to showcase the content of my digital publication on social media?

Some creative ways to showcase the content of your digital publication on social media include creating short teaser videos or animations highlighting key articles or features, sharing infographics or visual summaries of publication content, hosting live readings or discussions with authors or contributors, and creating interactive stories or quizzes based on publication topics.

How can I measure the effectiveness of my social media promotion efforts for my digital publication?

You can measure the effectiveness of your social media promotion efforts for your digital publication by tracking key metrics such as website traffic, subscriber growth, engagement rates (likes, comments, shares), click-through rates on social media posts, conversion rates for subscription or download links, and the impact of social media advertising campaigns on publication sales or subscriptions.

What are some best practices for promoting digital publications on social media?

Some best practices for promoting digital publications on social media include maintaining a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged, using analytics tools to track and analyze the performance of your social media posts, experimenting with different types of content and messaging to see what resonates with your audience, and staying active and engaged with your followers by responding to comments, messages, and feedback promptly.

How can I leverage user testimonials to promote my digital publication on social media?

You can leverage user testimonials to promote your digital publication on social media by encouraging satisfied readers to share their experiences and feedback, featuring testimonials in your posts or ads, and highlighting specific benefits or features of your publication that resonate with your audience.

What role does content curation play in promoting a digital publication on social media?

Content curation plays a crucial role in promoting a digital publication on social media by sharing relevant and valuable content from other sources that align with your publication’s themes or topics, establishing your publication as a trusted source of information and attracting followers interested in related content.

How can I use social media analytics to refine my promotion strategy for my digital publication?

You can use social media analytics to refine your promotion strategy for your digital publication by tracking key metrics such as engagement rates, click-through rates, follower growth, and audience demographics, identifying trends and patterns in your data, and adjusting your content and messaging based on insights from analytics.

What strategies can I use to encourage social sharing of my digital publication content?

Strategies to encourage social sharing of your digital publication content include adding social sharing buttons to your website or publication platform, creating shareable graphics or quote cards from your articles, asking readers to share their favorite articles or features with their followers, and running social media contests or giveaways with incentives for sharing.

How can I leverage user-generated content (UGC) to promote my digital publication on social media?

You can leverage user-generated content (UGC) to promote your digital publication on social media by reposting or sharing content created by your readers, such as photos of them reading your publication or testimonials about their experience, and encouraging others to share their own content using branded hashtags.

What role do social media influencers play in promoting digital publications?

Social media influencers can play a significant role in promoting digital publications by sharing sponsored content or endorsements with their followers, hosting takeover events on your publication’s social media accounts, and collaborating on co-branded content or campaigns that reach their audience.

How can I create a sense of community around my digital publication on social media?

You can create a sense of community around your digital publication on social media by fostering conversations and interactions among your followers, responding to comments and messages promptly, creating dedicated groups or forums for discussions related to your publication topics, and featuring user-generated content from your community members.

What are some effective ways to cross-promote my digital publication on different social media platforms?

Effective ways to cross-promote your digital publication on different social media platforms include sharing snippets or excerpts from your publication on each platform, customizing your messaging and content to fit the audience preferences and behaviors of each platform, and using hashtags and tagging relevant accounts to increase visibility.

How can I leverage social media influencers to host virtual events or discussions related to my digital publication?

You can leverage social media influencers to host virtual events or discussions related to your digital publication by inviting them to participate as guest speakers or moderators, promoting the event to their followers, and providing them with content or resources to share with their audience before and after the event.

What are some effective ways to drive traffic from social media to my digital publication website?

Some effective ways to drive traffic from social media to your digital publication website include sharing teaser content or headlines with links to read more on your website, running social media ads with clear calls-to-action to visit your website, and offering exclusive content or promotions for social media followers who visit your site.

Author bio

Ritesh SheombarRitesh is a digital marketing manager with years of experience in driving growth. He’s currently the director of inbound marketing at Foleon. You can find more about him on his LinkedIn profile.

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