Examples of Great Blog Post Titles That Will Inspire You


Wow! I don’t know about you, but before starting StoryLab.ai my blog post titles often come last. When starting a new post, I was often busy trying to figure out how to turn learnings into a great piece of content. Once the writing begins, it’s hard to pause from that train of thought long enough to worry about where on earth a title might come from!

I’ve learned that having a great blog post title can make or break a piece of content.

If your blog post title does not excite people to click on your article, you won’t get the traffic your article deserves from Social or Search.

We’ve created StoryLab.ai to help people to write better copy. Faster.

We’ve used our Blog Title Generator to create a nice list of Blog Title Examples to inspire you. You can see in the image below how our tool looks like and how easy it is to use.

Check out the blog title examples below and start creating your own with our free generator.

blog title examples with blog title generator

Optimize your Blog Post Titles for SEO

In addition to crafting an attention-grabbing blog post title, it is essential to incorporate the appropriate keywords and optimize it for search engine optimization (SEO). Ideally, you should place your primary keyword at the beginning of your H1 and Meta Title. In this particular article, we have included our main keyword, “Blog Post Title Examples,” at the start.

Avoid guessing the most suitable keywords to use. Instead, utilize tools such as SEMRush to determine the exact terms people are searching for. Enter your topic, access a wealth of data, and choose the best keyword based on volume and difficulty. Give it a try at no cost and get the data you need.

Check out the video tutorial and find out how to find hidden gems with Semrush’s keyword research tools.

Use our link and get a 14-day free Semrush trial instead of the normal 7-day trial.

Examples of Great Blog Post Titles

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Automotive Blog Title Examples

  • Top 10 Most Anticipated Cars in 2024
  • Clunker Car Deals: Your Guide to Buy a Junk Car
  • 5 Tips to Compare Car Insurance Quotes
  • How to Save 10% on Your New Car
  • 7 Steps to Becoming a Car Journalist
  • 10 Rules for Writing a Great Car Review

Check out more Automotive Blog Title Examples or get started with our Blog Title Generator and create your own.

Business Blog Title Examples

  • How to Reduce the Cost of Starting a Business
  • Five Ways to Use Social Media for Business
  • How to Start a Business: A Guide for the Aspiring Entrepreneur
  • Do you really need a business plan?
  • 5 Ways to Stop Complaining and Start Thriving
  • 13 Ways to Overcome the Fear of Rejection

Check out more Business Blog Title Examples or get started with our Blog Title Generator and create your own.

Fitness Blog Title Examples

  • The Top 5 Tips for Successful Bodybuilding
  • How to Get 6-Pack Abs with Workouts at Home
  • Top 10 Sites for Fitness and Bodybuilding Tips
  • 5 Ways to Stay Motivated to Work Out
  • 3 Things To Do In The Morning For A Healthier Life

Check out more Fitness Blog Title Examples or get started with our Blog Title Generator and create your own.

Travel Blog Title Examples

  • Planning your next holiday? make it memorable with these travel tips
  • 10 Most Exclusive Travel Destinations For The Rich and Famous
  • Top 10 Budget Hotels in the USA
  • Survival Kit for Newbies Traveling to Africa
  • 5 Cheap DIY travel hacks
  • Travel tips for Lonely Planet users

Check out more Travel Blog Title Examples or get started with our Blog Title Generator and create your own.

Startup Blog Title Examples

  • The 4 Stages of Designing your Startup’s Identity
  • Startup Growth Hacking: How to Get a 1,000% ROI
  • 5 Things I Hate About My Startup
  • How to Write Web Content That ‘Sells’
  • 15 Inspiring Blogs for Entrepreneurs
  • 7 Ways to Build Your Startup Team

Check out more Startup Blog Title Examples or get started with our Blog Title Generator and create your own.

Vegan Blog Title Examples

  • Top 15 Easy Vegan Recipes for Beginners
  • Top 11 Protein Foods for Vegans So You Don’t Need to Eat a Chicken A Day
  • Do I need to Supplement on a Plant Based Diet?
  • How to prepare a healthy vegan dinner for your family.
  • Delicious Vegan Recipes using your Slowcooker
  • 16 Lessons From 35 Days of Plant-Based Eating
  • Vegan Diet: 11 Secrets to Reversing Heart Disease

Check out more Vegan Blog Title Examples or get started with our Blog Title Generator and create your own.

Best Practices for Writing Great Blog Titles

Writing compelling blog titles is crucial for attracting readers and ensuring your content gets the attention it deserves. Here are some best practices to consider when crafting your blog titles:

Be Clear and Concise: Your title should give readers a clear idea of what to expect from your post without being too wordy. Ideally, keep it under 60 characters so it displays fully in search results.

Use Keywords Strategically: Incorporate relevant keywords naturally into your title. This not only helps with search engine optimization (SEO) but also ensures your title is relevant to your target audience.

Create a Sense of Urgency or Curiosity: Titles that create a sense of urgency or invoke curiosity can encourage readers to click through to read more. Phrases like “What You Need to Know” or “Why You Should” can be effective.

Make It Specific: Vague titles can be less compelling. Including specifics, such as numbers or descriptive adjectives, can make your title more appealing. For example, “7 Proven Strategies for Increasing Your Blog’s Traffic” is more enticing than “How to Get More Traffic.”

Address the Reader Directly: Using “You” or “Your” in titles can make your content feel more relevant and personal to the reader, increasing the likelihood they’ll engage.

Promise a Benefit: Your title should make it clear how the reader will benefit from reading your post. If your content solves a problem or answers a question, make sure your title reflects that.

Test Different Titles: Don’t be afraid to A/B test different titles to see which performs better. This can give you valuable insights into what your audience prefers.

Use Action Words: Verbs and action words can make your title more dynamic and engaging. For example, “Transform Your Writing with These Tips” is more compelling than “Tips for Better Writing.”

Avoid Clickbait: While it’s important to create intriguing titles, avoid misleading your audience with clickbait. Your content should always deliver on the promise of your title.

Follow the Trends: Pay attention to the latest trends in your niche and incorporate them into your titles when appropriate. This can make your content more timely and relevant.

Your blog title is the first impression readers will have of your content, so spend time crafting something that accurately represents your post and entices readers to want to learn more.

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Looking for more Blog Post Title Examples? Check out.

Or, check out all other examples like Blog Intros, Google and Facebook ad copies and more.

Write great Marketing Copy in half the time

There is nothing worst than staring at a blank piece of paper. StoryLab.ai’s Marketing Copy Generators help you to get new ideas and even complete copy with a click of a button.

Get inspired by how many different ways there are to describe your blog titles, Instagram captions, ad copy and more. Next to generating new ideas and creating new copy, you can reword existing copy with our paraphrase generator.

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