Tips for Boosting your Email Marketing Campaign with Better Content

E-mail marketing does not lose its relevance among businesses, even though a few years ago one could meet forecasts about the prospects for its gradual loss of relevance. In the conditions of rapid market dynamics, survives that what changes and transforms according to the audience’s request. Marketers have found tools to update email marketing. This made it possible to end the “era” of endless mailings of the same type, which users perceived as spam and did not want to read.

Now the best practices of email marketing have become more accessible, and email marketing statistics in this direction indicate the effectiveness of this method of communication with the audience. Below are some tips to help you make your mailings more effective.

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In this article

1. Segmentation of target audience lists

Segmentation of target audience lists

Each company has customers who are interested in different groups of goods or services. If you are good at analytics and understand these trends, you can develop customized offers for different clients in your business.

Do not be afraid that there will be fewer letters. It is better to do less effective targeted actions than to bombard the clients with lots of emails with offers that are not the object of their real interest.

Imagine that there is a regular customer who consistently purchases certain groups of goods and shows indifference to the rest of the assortment. This happens often enough. To understand the psychology of this client in terms of the perception of mailings, it is worth imagining 2 different situations:

  • He regularly receives a lot of letters, where there is only 20% of the information that concerns the goods and services of interest to him.
  • He rarely, but with a certain frequency, receives targeted offers with discounts on products of interest.

In the first case, targeted information may be lost among the general array of sales proposals. In the second case, the reader from the first lines will understand that he is being offered something profitable. Perhaps one of the marketers will ask why to offer the client discounts on what he already purchases. But the art of marketing here will lie in the ability to make an offer, where, by receiving a discount on a favorite product, the client will be motivated to purchase a larger check. For example, a 15% discount if you buy not 1 but 2 pairs of shoes from the new collection. Up-to-date tips for optimizing your email marketing campaigns will help you develop a good strategy.

2. Adaptation of letters for mobile devices

The audience is increasingly checking email using smartphones. Recent studies, which can be found in large numbers in the public domain, state the evidence in this regard. It lies in the fact that most people delete letters that do not display well. People don’t even read them. Nothing is surprising in it because the audience does not feel that someone is taking care of them.

To focus on the content of the letter, its form must be adapted for comfortable perception.

3. The ability not to overload the letter with unnecessary content

Your proposal should be extremely capacious, concise, and specific. The audience lives in a mode of permanent information overload. Every company a customer comes into contact with tries to get their attention. As a result, the potential consumer is overloaded with the email. To draw attention to the content of a particular enterprise and distinguish it from competitors, it must be a well-written letter. Below are some of its features:

  • a capacious and “catchy” content topic (the reader must initially understand why he needs to read the content);
  • a statement of the key essence of the letter in the first paragraph (if it is clear from the first lines what the client’s benefit is, this increases the likelihood of reading to the end);
  • a call to action at the end (the reader must understand what to do to benefit).

These content design principles apply in many cases, whether you’re writing a welcome post on a Facebook group or an email to a loyal customer about an upcoming sale. At Findymail, you can learn more about the current criteria for quality content for email newsletters.

4. Sending an email on behalf of a real person

Sending an email on behalf of a real person

For example, interacting with a particular bank manager is much more pleasant than interacting with the bank itself. When not signed, that letter gives the reader the impression that he is interacting with something uninspired. And when a real representative of the company contacts, it inspires confidence. A human being is associated with responsibility. Many clients are tired of numerous virtual assistants that work on algorithms. When a live person from the company’s side is included in the interaction, the client understands: he can count on an individual approach and empathy.

5. Choose the best time to send emails

Job offers may be appropriate at the beginning of the week. It is best to send such letters in the morning. And if you want to let your customers know about a weekend sale, it’s best to send emails on Thursday or Friday afternoons. If you do this too early, then you reduce the effectiveness of such a mailing. Before the weekend, readers’ priorities may change many times, and your offer will be squeezed out of their attention.

Remember: there is no single best time to send all emails. Relevance depends on the subject of the letter and the psychology of perception of your target audience.


Gone are the days when email marketing meant “tons” of useless repetitive emails in a prospect’s or regular customer’s inbox. Today, communication should be meaningful and targeted. With this approach email marketing flourishes. No wonder one of the recent studies says that every dollar invested in this type of marketing brings $36 in return. To get into the statistics of happy companies that use this opportunity to the maximum, use the tips that you learned about in the article.


What is email marketing campaign content, and why is it important?

Email marketing campaign content refers to the text, images, links, and other elements included in promotional emails sent to subscribers. It is important because it directly influences the effectiveness of email campaigns by engaging recipients, conveying messages effectively, and driving desired actions such as clicks, conversions, and brand loyalty.

How can businesses create compelling subject lines for their email marketing campaigns?

Businesses can create compelling subject lines for their email marketing campaigns by using personalized language, invoking curiosity or urgency, offering value or benefits, and keeping them concise and relevant to the content of the email. A strong subject line increases open rates and encourages recipients to engage with the email content.

What types of content are effective for email marketing campaigns?

Effective content for email marketing campaigns includes product announcements, promotions, newsletters, educational content, customer testimonials, blog posts, event invitations, and exclusive offers. By providing valuable and relevant content, businesses can keep subscribers engaged and nurture relationships over time.

How can businesses personalize email marketing campaign content to resonate with subscribers?

Businesses can personalize email marketing campaign content by addressing subscribers by name, segmenting their email lists based on demographics, preferences, or past interactions, and tailoring content to match subscribers’ interests and behaviors. Personalization enhances relevance and increases engagement with email content.

What are some best practices for designing visually appealing email marketing campaign content?

Best practices for designing visually appealing email marketing campaign content include using a clean and mobile-responsive layout, incorporating eye-catching images or graphics, using consistent branding elements, optimizing for readability with concise text and clear CTAs, and testing different design elements to maximize engagement.

How can businesses optimize email marketing campaign content for mobile users?

Businesses can optimize email marketing campaign content for mobile users by using responsive design templates, keeping subject lines and preheader text short, using single-column layouts, optimizing images for quick loading, and using large, tappable buttons for CTAs. Mobile optimization ensures a seamless experience for recipients accessing emails on smartphones or tablets.

What role does storytelling play in effective email marketing campaign content?

Storytelling in email marketing campaign content helps businesses connect with subscribers on a deeper level by evoking emotions, building brand identity, and conveying messages in a memorable way. By weaving narratives into their emails, businesses can engage recipients, foster relationships, and drive conversions effectively.

How can businesses maintain consistency in their email marketing campaign content?

Businesses can maintain consistency in their email marketing campaign content by aligning it with their brand voice, visual identity, and messaging across all communication channels. Using branded templates, style guides, and content calendars helps ensure a cohesive and recognizable experience for subscribers.

What metrics should businesses track to measure the effectiveness of their email marketing campaign content?

Businesses should track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates (CTRs), conversion rates, bounce rates, unsubscribe rates, and ROI to measure the effectiveness of their email marketing campaign content. These metrics provide insights into subscriber engagement, campaign performance, and overall marketing success.

How can businesses use A/B testing to optimize email marketing campaign content?

Businesses can use A/B testing, also known as split testing, to optimize email marketing campaign content by experimenting with different subject lines, email copy, CTAs, images, or design elements to determine which version performs better with subscribers. A/B testing helps businesses identify winning variations and refine their content for maximum impact.

What strategies can businesses use to maintain relevance in their email marketing campaign content?

Businesses can maintain relevance in their email marketing campaign content by segmenting their email lists based on demographics, interests, and behaviors, and by delivering targeted content tailored to each segment’s preferences and needs. Additionally, regularly updating subscriber preferences and conducting surveys can help businesses stay informed about their audience’s changing interests.

How can businesses use storytelling techniques to captivate audiences in their email marketing campaign content?

Businesses can use storytelling techniques in their email marketing campaign content by crafting narratives that resonate with their audience’s emotions, values, and aspirations. Incorporating personal anecdotes, customer success stories, or behind-the-scenes glimpses into the brand’s journey can help businesses create meaningful connections with their subscribers and drive engagement.

What role does multimedia content play in enhancing email marketing campaigns?

Multimedia content, such as videos, GIFs, and interactive elements, can enhance email marketing campaigns by capturing subscribers’ attention, conveying information in a dynamic and engaging way, and driving higher click-through and conversion rates. Including multimedia content can also help businesses showcase products, demonstrate features, or provide tutorials effectively.

How can businesses leverage user-generated content (UGC) in their email marketing campaign content?

Businesses can leverage user-generated content (UGC) in their email marketing campaign content by featuring customer reviews, testimonials, photos, or social media posts that showcase real-life experiences with their products or services. Incorporating UGC not only adds authenticity and social proof to bulk email campaigns but also encourages subscriber engagement and trust.

What strategies can businesses use to re-engage inactive subscribers with their email marketing campaign content?

To re-engage inactive subscribers, businesses can use strategies such as sending targeted re-engagement emails with compelling subject lines and offers, offering exclusive promotions or discounts to incentivize action, and providing valuable content or resources to reignite interest. Additionally, using segmentation to identify and personalize messages for inactive subscribers can help businesses reconnect with this audience segment effectively.

How can businesses use email marketing campaign content to nurture leads and move them through the sales funnel?

Businesses can use email marketing campaign content to nurture leads by delivering relevant and valuable content at each stage of the buyer’s journey. This includes educational content to address prospects’ pain points, product demos or case studies to showcase solutions, and personalized offers or incentives to encourage conversions. By providing timely and tailored content, businesses can guide leads through the sales funnel and drive conversions.

What strategies can businesses use to optimize email marketing campaign content for conversion?

To optimize email marketing campaign content for conversion, businesses can use clear and compelling calls-to-action (CTAs), strategically placed throughout the email, to prompt recipients to take the desired action. Additionally, using persuasive copy, highlighting benefits or incentives, and creating a sense of urgency can motivate subscribers to click through and complete the desired conversion action.

How can businesses leverage email marketing campaign content to build and strengthen customer relationships?

Businesses can leverage email marketing campaign content to build and strengthen customer relationships by delivering personalized and relevant content that adds value to subscribers’ lives. This includes sending personalized birthday or anniversary emails, exclusive offers for loyal customers, or relevant tips and resources based on their interests and preferences. By fostering a sense of connection and appreciation, businesses can nurture long-term customer loyalty and advocacy.

What are some creative ways businesses can repurpose existing content for email marketing campaigns?

Businesses can repurpose existing content for email marketing campaigns by turning blog posts into newsletters or email series, converting webinar recordings into video snippets or tutorials, or repackaging customer testimonials or case studies into engaging email content. Repurposing content not only saves time and resources but also allows businesses to reach new audiences and reinforce key messages across different channels.

How can businesses use segmentation and personalization to deliver hyper-targeted email marketing campaign content?

Businesses can use segmentation and personalization to deliver hyper-targeted email marketing campaign content by dividing their email list into smaller, more targeted segments based on criteria such as demographics, purchase history, or engagement level. By tailoring content and offers to each segment’s specific interests and preferences, businesses can deliver more relevant and impactful messages that resonate with recipients and drive desired actions.

Author bio

Vanessa Friedman is a content marketing professional who helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. Previously, Vanessa worked as a marketing manager for a tech software startup company. In case of any inquiry or suggestion kindly feel free to write her on

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