Complete On-Page SEO Checklist For 2024

SEO is not complicated.  A great checklist can get you a long way.

Improve your rankings

Check out the On Page SEO Checklist we use for our content. It’s time tested and easy to understand so everyone can get started with improving their rankings today.

Do your keyword research and pick your main keyword

Step 1:

Find out what the search intent is for your main keyword

Step 2:

What are your secondary keywords?

Step 3:

Find additional opportunities with some more research.

Pay attention to your url

Step 4:

Keep it short, include your main keyword and don't use numbers.

Create great Title Tags

Step 5:

Make it catchy (not spammy) include your main keyword and improve your click-through-rates.

Let your Description Tag help improve your CTR and Rankings

Step 6:

There is only one… H1

Step 7:

Include your main keyword and let people know they landed on the right article.

Great introductions get people excited to read on

Step 8:

Subheadings helps your reader find relevant information faster

Step 9:

SEO Optimize your images

Step 10:

Add descriptive file names, description and alt tags and compress your images.

External links are great. Link out to your sources

Step 11:

Finish strong with internal links

Step 12:

Write more. Write better. Grow faster.

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