B2B Buying – What information would you like from Marketing VS Sales

Brian Cohen and Nelson Gilliat sat down to discuss the B2B Buying Process and how B2B Marketing Leaders like to buy from Software Vendors.

In this short video, our co-founder and CEO, Brian Cohen explains what type of information he would like to receive from Marketing and what type of information from Sales. Be sure to watch till the end and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Author bio

Brian Cohen StoryLab.aiBrian has 15+ years as a marketing strategist and visionary leader with a track record of transforming the marketing function and propelling it to new heights for several SaaS companies as an advisor, consultant, and employee. He has spearheaded highly successful campaigns that captivated target audiences, optimizing the marketing funnel to maximize conversion rates, and accelerate sales cycles.

Brian Cohen is also the Co-Founder and CEO at StoryLab.ai. You can find more info about Brian on LinkedIn.

Video transcript (auto-generated)

What would you say. You mentioned that you’re someone who you like to self-educate you know. You like to go to the website, you like to go to G2, you like to speak to peers who are using the product.

Now, what would you say is your percentage split preference for getting information and help from marketing and self-educating and self-serving for marketing. Which also again includes the influence and information from your peers. So it’s indirect for marketing versus having to speak to sales or where the information is gated behind sales in order to get it. Say like pricing or to see the product like a demo recording or to find out use cases and stuff. Do you have a percentage of the preference?

Well yeah, I think that’s right. I prefer to get as much information as I can up front and I have this belief that marketing should be, from a marketer right we should be providing that 80% to 90% of that sales product right. We should be completing 80% to 90% of sales process you have all the information you need not just from one buyer Persona right but from your from your primary Prospect. But say from procurement, what is the information they need how do we deliver end-to-end everything so that when it does get to sales, all they have to do is talk about pricing and dial that in. If you can’t get it already and then sign the contract and let’s go that’s the process that I would like to see and I prefer.

Right on. And so you know 85 or so marketing basically tease it up for sales and maybe the buyer is so well informed and serious about a purchasing decision they might just have a few questions to check the boxes. But it’s that analogy of the point guard and the center right markings the point guard sales and Center marketing you know tosses the center a nice layup for sales to do a slam dunk nice and easy. Very quick expand little resources and effort the chances of that ball
going in the hoop is very high the chances of that ball being stolen very low.

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