How to Write Better YouTube Video Titles to Rank and Get Clicks

Tips and Tools

YouTube video titles, which are no more than a line of text, play a crucial role in attracting users to your content.

A well-written video title can elevate the value of the content and the converse is also true. The title of a video can make or break its success, so it’s essential to make sure it’s well-written and attention-grabbing.

Creating the perfect title can be a time-consuming and frustrating process, but with the right tips, tools, and techniques, it can be done quickly and easily.

In this article, we’ll go over the reasons why video titles are crucial for YouTube marketing success and share tips for writing better YouTube video titles that rank and get clicks.

Why Are Video Titles Crucial for YouTube Marketing Success?

Why Are Video Titles Crucial for YouTube Marketing Success

Here are three reasons why video titles are essential for your YouTube marketing success:

Competition: There are countless videos on YouTube, so it’s essential to make your videos stand out from the crowd. A well-written title will help attract more views and set your videos apart from others.

First Impressions: The first thing a user sees when they come across your video is the title and thumbnail. If the title is intriguing and relevant, they’re more likely to click and watch the video.

Title Quality: A poorly written title can damage your video’s success, just like the title of a movie can affect its box office performance.

For example, in an interview with Graham Norton, Morgan Freeman revealed what he felt was the reason for the poor box office performance of the movie ‘The Shawshank Redemption’. The actor blamed the strange title for the poor reception among the masses. He said many complained the title was difficult to pronounce, understand, and remember.

Pro Tip: Talk to your video editing agency and ask them for title suggestions. After all, they are the ones that spend the most time editing the footage, and they are the ones deciding what makes the final cut and what not.

So they might as well have out of the box title suggestions for your YouTube video or the sections/chapters of the video.

Tips to Write Better YouTube Video Title

Tips to Write Better YouTube Video Title

1. Get to the Point: Create Titles that Are Short and Succinct

Creating short and succinct video titles is crucial for engaging viewers and optimizing your content for search engines.

On YouTube, users may lose interest in long and tedious video titles, leading to them ignoring your content altogether.

Additionally, search engines may not be able to properly index your video if its title exceeds the 100-character limit.

To avoid these problems, make sure your video titles are short, to the point, and clearly communicate the content of the video.

By doing so, you’ll increase the chances of your video being discovered and watched by your target audience.

2. Meeting of Minds: Develop Titles that the Audience Can Relate To

Video titles that the audience can relate to will grab attention and keep them engaged.

The title should accurately represent the content of the video and clearly communicate the message you want to convey. This will not only increase the chances of the audience watching the video, but also improve their overall experience and help to build a stronger connection with your brand.

If the purpose of the video is to take the viewers to a landing page. Then the title must be closely related to the landing page content. This can also effectively drive traffic to the intended destination.

To sum up, developing relatable video titles is key to delivering a seamless and memorable experience to your audience.

3. Avoid Run-of-the-Mill Titles: Make the Video Title Unique and Creative

A unique and creative video title can make all the difference when it comes to standing out from the competition.

Suppose your video is about ‘creating the website of the future’. With so many videos on similar subjects, it’s crucial to use creativity to set your content apart.

Making the title more interesting with elements such as urgency and numbers can help grab the viewer’s attention and entice them to click and watch.

4. Invoke Curiosity: Promise to Reveal a Secret, Provide a Solution, or Make Their Time Worthwhile

YouTube has become an integral part of our daily lives, with people spending hours watching videos for entertainment, education, or business.

A title that hints at a juicy secret or a long-awaited solution can be incredibly effective in catching the attention of YouTube users. Make them feel that if they skip your video they’ll miss out on something exciting.

For instance, if you’ve teamed up with a famous person for a YouTube influencer marketing campaign, a mysterious title announcing the collaboration can pique interest and make the audience click on your video.

5. Ditch the Jargon: Use Everyday Language to Better Engagement

Create YouTube video titles that are easy to understand by avoiding technical jargon and using familiar language.

Using jargon and difficult words can create confusion and the audience may misinterpret the purpose of the video.

Instead, opt for everyday language to improve accessibility and make the title readable for a wider audience.

6. Include the Main Keyword: Front-load the Keyword to Catch the Attention

Having keywords in your YouTube video title is crucial for attracting potential viewers.

The search algorithm on YouTube uses keywords to understand the content of your video and rank it accordingly. This means that when users search for specific terms, videos that contain those keywords are more likely to appear at the top of the search results.

For example, if someone is searching the term ‘free video editor’, videos that have that exact keyword in the title will have a better chance of being seen by the user and potentially gaining more views.

By incorporating relevant keywords into your video titles, you increase the visibility and potential reach of your content.

7. Do Not Deceive: Avoid Sensational and Clickbait Video Titles

Avoid using sensational and misleading titles for your YouTube videos. These types of titles may temporarily boost views, but they harm your overall brand reputation and trust with your audience.

The use of misleading content is also against YouTube’s policies. We are seeing this trend in Podcast video marketing, especially during COVID. If you’re looking to create awesome Podcast episodes, check out the AI Podcast Idea Generator and check out how AI can help improve your Video Marketing.

Stick to clear and honest titles that accurately reflect the content of your video to build a long-lasting relationship with your audience. 

8. Collaborate with AI Tools: Polish Video Titles with AI Title Generators

Using the tips mentioned above, you can come up with better YouTube video titles.

Initially, it may take some time to optimize the titles for people and search engines. You can save a lot of time by collaborating with AI Tools.

For example, can generate catchy YouTube video titles in seconds. Enter the video topic, writing style, and pertinent information, and let the AI tool do its magic.

You can polish the titles generated by AI to suit your needs or use suitable prompts (based on tips given here) to create ready-to-use titles.

Final Thoughts

You must have heard marketing experts say ‘writing good YouTube video titles is hard and it takes time and practice’.

We disagree. The tips mentioned in this article will make your titles effective and memorable.

Moreover, the titles will appeal to people and search engines. Lastly, you can create video titles in seconds and not hours.


What Makes a Good YouTube Video Title?
A good title is clear, concise, and accurately reflects the video content.

How Important is SEO in YouTube Video Titles?
SEO is crucial as it helps the video get discovered in search results.

Should YouTube Titles be Short or Long?
Keep them relatively short while including key information and keywords.

Can Questions Make Effective YouTube Titles?
Yes, posing a question can spark curiosity and engagement.

How Do Keywords Impact YouTube Video Titles?
Relevant keywords improve search visibility and relevance to viewers.

Is it Good to Include Numbers in YouTube Titles?
Numbers, like listicles or statistics, can make titles more enticing.

Should Titles Be Changed After Uploading a Video?
Avoid frequent changes as it can affect SEO and viewer recognition.

How Can Humor Be Used in YouTube Titles?
Wisely used humor can make titles more catchy and memorable.

What Role Does Branding Play in YouTube Titles?
Consistent use of branding can help with recognition and loyalty.

Can Emojis Be Used in YouTube Video Titles?
Emojis can be used sparingly to draw attention but shouldn’t replace words.

How Does Personalizing Titles Impact Viewer Engagement?
Personalized titles can make content feel more relatable and targeted to viewers.

What is the Impact of Using Trending Topics in Titles?
Including trending topics can increase relevancy and attract timely interest.

How to Balance Creativity and Clarity in YouTube Titles?
Be creative to grab attention but clear enough so viewers know what to expect.

Is it Effective to Use Caps Lock in YouTube Titles?
Using caps lock for emphasis is fine, but overuse can appear spammy.

Should You Include the Video Series Name in the Title?
Including a series name helps in series branding and viewer navigation.

How Can You Use Call-to-Action Phrases in Titles?
Phrases like “Learn How” or “Find Out” can encourage viewers to watch.

What’s the Role of A/B Testing in Crafting Titles?
A/B testing different titles can help identify what works best with your audience.

How Important is Consistency in Video Titles for a Channel?
Consistency helps in brand building and sets viewer expectations.

Can You Use Dates or Seasons in YouTube Titles?
Including dates or seasons can be relevant for time-specific content.

Should Titles Reflect the Video’s Tone or Genre?
Yes, titles should match the tone and genre to set the right expectations.

How Can You Reflect the Content’s Value Proposition in the Title?
Include what the viewer will gain or learn from the video.

Is it Effective to Use Famous Brands or Names in Titles?
Using recognizable names can attract interest but should be relevant to the content.

How to Use Power Words in YouTube Titles?
Words like “Ultimate,” “Incredible,” or “Secrets” can make titles more compelling.

What is the Effect of Using Negative or Controversial Titles?
They can grab attention but may not always lead to positive engagement.

Should You Localize Titles for Different Audiences?
Localizing titles can significantly increase appeal in different regions.

How Do Thumbnails Complement YouTube Titles?
Thumbnails visually represent titles and should be coherent with them.

Is it Good to Update Titles Based on Performance Analytics?
Adjusting titles based on analytics can improve future performance.

Can Including Episode Numbers in Titles Help Viewers?
Episode numbers help viewers follow a series in the correct order.

How Should You Balance Keywords and Creativity in Titles?
Find a middle ground where keywords are used creatively to maintain SEO and viewer interest.

What are the Risks of Using Clickbait in YouTube Titles?
While clickbait can increase views, it may lead to viewer disappointment and decreased trust.

Author bio:

Cristian StanciuCristian Stanciu is a freelance video editor, owner and post-production coordinator of Veedyou Media – a company offering video animation services to marketing agencies, video production studios and brands all over the globe. You can catch up with him on his blog or on LinkedIn.

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